"What's in that Bag!?" Dad addition
Last night when I pitched the idea of posting about "the ideal contents of a hospital bag" I thought I would ask Gerry to weigh in. I mean he has to stay at the hospital too, he's got needs-though he would deny it... so here it is folks, the perfect Dad bag, as designed by Gerardo! *Two outfits Both casual but both prepared to handle whatever climate mom chooses for the labor room. Fellas it might be hot, it might be frigid, but one thing is for certain it will change the moment you get used to it. *Light jacket Okay let's face it, she's going to want it cold while she labors, just layer up! *Slip on shoes *Snacks Hopefully not half eaten like the ones pictured! While in labor mom is going to be on what is called a cleared liquid diet but we all get that you might need a little something while coaching her. Just be prepared to share once baby is born! *Deodorant Coaching is hard work too, just bring some DO for your BO to hide how hard you are ...